Day Reporting Centers (DRC)
Returning citizens face many challenges upon release from custody. Statistics show they face a high rate of recidivism without effective interventions. LCA’s DRC programs were created to meet these needs and to assist participants with a smooth transition back into their communities.
Through LCA’s DRC programs, participants receive treatment, training, and individualized services. These comprehensive services are essential to achieve positive, long-term change.

In partnership with County Probation Departments, LCA operates:
Adult Day Reporting Centers (ADRC) in the Northern, Central, and Southern Regions of Sacramento County, CA
Solano County Juvenile Day Reporting Centers (DRC) -Fairfield and
Vallejo, CA
A full range of activities supporting emotional, educational and recovery needs are offered up to five days per week.
Onsite services, offered at no cost to the participants.
Individualized plans to keep participants engaged, and on-program even when they are not at the Center.
Collaboration with key specialized community organizations.
Onsite food services.
Evidence-Based Program Services:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Substance Abuse Treatment
Anger Management
Gender-responsive programs
Trauma Informed Interventions
Feedback Informed Care
Other Services:
Comprehensive Case Management
Life Skills Training
Vocational Training and Development
GED Programs
Peer Support Groups
Family Integration
Community Service Activities